How to Make the Best Homemade Claussen Dill Pickles: A Crispy and Flavorful Recipe

By Myron Reich •  Updated: 03/23/23 •  5 min read

Are you a fan of Claussen pickles? These refrigerated pickles are a favorite snack for many people. They’re salty, dill-infused, and incredibly crisp.

However, buying these pickles from the store can be costly. Fortunately, you can make your own Claussen pickles at home with just a few ingredients.

In this article, we’ll show you how to make the #1 best homemade Claussen pickles recipe that tastes just like the store-bought version.

how to make claussen dill pickles

What are Claussen pickles?

Before we get started with the recipe, let’s take a moment to talk about Claussen pickles.

These pickles are a type of refrigerator pickle, which means they’re not canned like many other types of pickles.

Claussen pickles are known for their crispy texture and garlicky, dill-infused flavor.

They’re a popular snack in many households and are often used as a garnish for sandwiches and burgers.

What you need to make Claussen pickle recipe:

To make this homemade Claussen pickles recipe, you’ll need the following ingredients and equipment:




Now that you have all your ingredients and equipment ready, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of making homemade Claussen pickles.

Step 1: Prep the cucumbers

Wash the cucumbers you will use to make Claussen pickles, but don’t scrub them. Slice the cucumbers longwise in half, or quarters (depending on the size of your cucumbers, you may want to cut them in half also).

Step 2: Layer the cucumbers, garlic, and dill

Layer the cucumber wedges, garlic, and dill into the quart canning jars.

Step 3: Make the brine

In a small bowl, mix together the water, vinegar, salt, and mixed pickling spice. Stir until the salt is dissolved.

Step 4: Pour the brine over the cucumbers

Pour the brine over the cucumbers, making sure they are fully submerged. If necessary, place something heavy over them to keep them submerged.

Cover the jars with cheesecloth and secure it so bugs can’t get in. Leave on the counter for 2-4 days out of the sunshine until they taste like pickles.

Step 5: Store the pickles

When the pickles have reached your desired level of sourness, place a lid on top of the jar and secure it.

Store the jars in your refrigerator for up to 6 months as long as they are covered in brine. If at some point you see foam or bubbles appear on the top, simply spoon it off.

Can You Reuse The Claussen Pickle Juice?

Yes! You can. Salt your pickles and boil up the juice and put the pickles in the jar and cover with brine. Use a fermentation kit and let the cucumbers go through the fermentation process we talk about below.

What To Do With Old Pickling Juice

Finished off your Claussen pickles but don’t know what to do with the leftover juice?

Don’t throw it away just yet!

There are many ways you can repurpose that flavorful liquid.

Here are a few ideas:

Overall, making homemade Claussen pickles is a fun and easy process that results in delicious, crispy pickles.

Plus, with the ability to reuse the pickle juice and repurpose it in other dishes, you get even more bang for your buck. So give this recipe a try and enjoy the tasty, homemade goodness of Claussen pickles!


In conclusion, making homemade Claussen pickles is a great way to satisfy your pickle cravings without breaking the bank.

With just a few simple ingredients and equipment, you can make your own delicious, crispy pickles that are sure to please.

Plus, with the ability to reuse the pickle juice in other dishes, you get even more value out of this recipe. So why not give it a try? Your taste buds will thank you!


  1. Can I use regular vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar? Yes, you can use regular vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar, but the flavor may be slightly different.
  2. How long do these pickles last in the refrigerator? These pickles can last up to 6 months in the refrigerator as long as they are covered in brine.
  3. Can I use a different type of cucumber? Yes, you can use a different type of cucumber, but pickling cucumbers work best for this recipe.
  4. Can I reuse the brine to make more pickles? Yes, you can reuse the brine to make more pickles. Just be sure to salt your cucumbers and boil up the juice before adding the cucumbers to the jar.
  5. How do I know when the pickles are ready? The pickles will be ready when they taste like pickles. This can take anywhere from 2-4 days depending on the level of sourness you desire.

Myron Reich